
Hiring Professional Cleaning Services

A Residential Driveway Pressure Washing Session

Pressure washing and sealing a driveway will prevent wear and weather-related damage. Sweeping and pressure washing are the final two steps to perform, before having sealcoating products applied to the pavement. The following information will provide some basic details about how a pressure washing job is performed and will help you prep the driveway.

Pressure Washer Types

A pressure washing (power washing) application is used to clean hardscaped surfaces, siding, windows, and doors. During the pressure washing of your driveway, all of the exposed exterior surfaces that comprise your home and garage should be covered, unless you are going to use the cleaning service to have these surfaces cleaned too.

A cleaning crew will use a gas- or electric-powered pressure washer to remove loose and caked dirt, oily substances, and stains from your driveway. Each type of machine will use a pound-force per square inch rating. This is a level of pressure that will be indicative of how strong the water stream that is used for cleaning will be.

An electric-powered unit may have a less powerful psi range than a gas-powered machine. More care is usually taken when using a gas-powered unit to clean softer materials, such as ones that are commonly used to construct decks or fencing, since the power of a pressure washer could splinter low-density wood products.

Prep Steps

Before a pressure washer can be used to apply a detergent or a degreasing agent to the pavement, loose items need to be removed from the driveway and the surface should be swept. Move your vehicles, yard tools, and any other outdoor equipment and place it alongside your home.

Tarps and masking tape can be used to cover doors or windows that comprise your home's or garage's exterior. Protecting these surfaces is only necessary if the driveway's proximity to either surface is nearby. Use a push broom to sweep the pavement's surface.

While sweeping, look out for loose pieces of pavement. If damage is present, you should have it repaired, before having the entire driveway pressure-washed. While the pressure washing application is underway, the crew who performs the job will likely wear protective eyewear.

The force of the water that is expelled from a pressure washer can be intense and the eyewear will prevent injuries. A detergent will be applied first, followed by the application of a degreasing agent. Once the driveway is clean, it will be rinsed off. 

For more information about the process, contact residential driveway pressure washing services. 

About Me

Hiring Professional Cleaning Services

After I had twins, I knew that there was no way in the world I was going to be able to keep up with the housework. I was overwhelmed on a daily basis, and I didn't know how I was going to cope with my new schedule. It was really frustrating to live in a messy environment, which is why I started looking into hiring professional cleaning services. I talked with a few companies in my area, and I was able to narrow down a company that would work for my budget. This blog is all about hiring professional cleaning services to simplify your life.