
Hiring Professional Cleaning Services

4 Hacks To Help Clean Your Home This Spring

With May right around the corner, there is no denying that spring cleaning season is in full swing. As you start to deep clean your home, you are more than likely going to run into items that are just hard to get clean, which is why it can be nice to have some cleaning hacks to fall back on.

#1 Cut Through Water Stains on Faucets

It seems impossible to get rid of those little white bubble on your faucets. The best ways to cut through those water stains and get your faucets back to the gleaming glory they looked like back in the store is to take a lemon, cut it in half, and then rub the lemon directly on your faucet where the water stains are. The lemon will remove the residue, and once you wipe off your faucets with a wet rag, they will look like new again.

#2 Get Rid of the Grime on Your Shower Head

If you take a close look at your shower head and are startled at the buildup and deposits that cover your shower head, you are not alone. It can be easy to not look up and see the buildup.

Scrubbing this buildup away can be hard, as it is usually the result of mineral deposits from hard water. To get rid of this buildup, take a plastic bag, add vinegar to it, wrap the bag over the shower head, and tie the bag in place. A rubber band works great at keeping the bag in place. Then, let the vinegar do its work overnight.

Take the bag down in the morning, run some hot water to flush away the vinegar, and enjoy a clean and grime-free shower head.

#3 Use a Coffee Filter to Clean up Your Screens

Cleaning television and computer screens can be a tricky business. You want to get rid of dirt or dust from the screen, but you don't want to damage the delicate surface of the screen.

The perfect tool to clean your television and computer screen is a coffee filter! A coffee filter has just the right fiber makeup that will allow one to clean the get rid of smudges on your screen without damaging it. Be sure to apply very light pressure as cleaning.

#4 Put Your Broom to Use with Cobwebs

Use a modified broom to get at cobwebs in your home. Take a towel, wrap it around your broom, and hold it in place with a rubber band. Then use the towel to clean up hard-to-reach cobwebs and dust. Cobwebs and dust will cling more easily to a towel than to the bottom of your broom.

Use the four tricks above to make cleaning a little easier this spring and be sure to keep adding tricks to your bucket so you know how to tackle any situation you encounter. For more spring cleaning tips, contact a company like Urban Maids

About Me

Hiring Professional Cleaning Services

After I had twins, I knew that there was no way in the world I was going to be able to keep up with the housework. I was overwhelmed on a daily basis, and I didn't know how I was going to cope with my new schedule. It was really frustrating to live in a messy environment, which is why I started looking into hiring professional cleaning services. I talked with a few companies in my area, and I was able to narrow down a company that would work for my budget. This blog is all about hiring professional cleaning services to simplify your life.